Isaiah 41:13 "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I am the one who helps you."
These lyrics by a gospel singer by the name of Major says "why should I fear, when He's right here?....Why should I fear, when He's right here?....Because it's ALL IN HIS HANDS! YESSSS!!! First of all, let me apologize for the many weeks of my hiatus that occurred! Like everyone else, every believer, I've encountered some small health challenges as the world would call it. But, I call it testing time because without any tests, there is no testimony of how wonderful and powerful God is. The news kinda hit me like someone had thrown a rock at me! I needed to allow myself time to process it.
As I begin to seek the Lord in prayer.....and I had a whole lot of questions as I cried out to Him! In my time of prayer,I can hear His voice speaking to me saying, "Now you know if I've done it for you before, why wouldn't I do it now? This new journey that I have you guys on, I am preparing you for it; I'm fixing you all because I'm going to need you at your best!!!" Then as I was listening to the Gospel Music station, for some reason the next 4 songs that played ministered to me; confirmed what God was speaking to me and I started laughing and shaking my head! I'm so glad He has a since of humor and yes the things we have and use on a daily basis to get His point across! Thank You, Jesus for being my Lord and Savior; making sure my prayers get through...and answered!!!!
At that moment I asked for forgiveness; to forgive me for trippin!!! Yeah, I did say trippin because that's what I was doing! Why do we do that, knowing He is the one who created us??? He knows all about us! Therefore, we as believers, are not exempt from trials and tribulations of this here world! His testing is only to see if we are who we claim to be; CHRISTIANS!!! LEARNERS OF CHRIST! I had to remind myself that this fight is a fixed fight because Jesus already won it! Therefore, He went through and endured, so must we as believers!!! And the good news is, it's a "WIN-WIN" situation, whether I win on this side of heaven, or in heaven!!! I'm still a winner!
But, I realized He is not even close to being done with me because of the purpose He has deposited in me, therefore I'm not trippin no more! He didn't bring me this far with so much more He has in me that MUST come out! So, with that being said, I have to keep reminding myself that it really is "ALL IN HIS HANDS" and what He purposed in and and everyone of us will be birthed!!! THAT'S A PROMISED! So I'm encouraging you all to keep holding on because it is "ALL IN HIS HANDS"!!!
Love Ya Ladybugs, Hazel Crosby